Sunday, January 15, 2012

First Post...trial we go...

So here I am, starting a blog.  Never thought I would.  But then again, never say "never"-right?  I am a woman in her 40's who has never been married, doesn't have children and recently had to come back to live with an extremely alcoholic mother.  I appreciate what she is doing for me, but the latter is very hard.  I do lose my patience immediatley after she takes her first drink.  Usually she is on a schedule and this is at 3:00, but somedays (and I can't figure out why) she starts earlier. Wine (cheap, gallon wine) is her choice. just now as I am busy in my office area writing this (its 10:50 am), she came to tell me the paper wasn't delivered and I needed to call.  What's wrong with her fingers????  Oh well.
So, why did I want to write this blog?  I feel like so much happens in a day that is funny, sad, maddening, etc and I want to share.  People seem to be attra (sorry another interuption-while I was calling the paper to say it wasn't delivered, my 2 little dogs got out.  I assumed (never will do that again) that she would watch them.  Well 1 came back, but the other wouldn't come when called.  I am in my robe, she is dressed.  She is asking the other dog where the little one is...REAllY?  I go and yell for the dog, but nothing.  So I grab my keys because I am not walking around the neighborhood in my robe.  I get in the car, and wow...there she is 3 houses down.  Really, my mother couldn't have walked out to see this??? Oh well again.
So back to where I was.  People seem to be attracted to me for my advice, help, company.  I am not sure, but this has always been the case for me.  I am a helper.  I help.  Sometimes this takes over my well being.  I am working on this.  Believe me.  I made a huge mistake trying to "help" someone else that now I live with my mother.  I may talk about this someday, but today is not the day.
After I decided to do this blog, I started jotting down ideas on my Iphone "notes" section.  It quickly filled up 2-3 pages.  That was just in about 10 minutes.  I knew I wanted to vent, talk, share, but didn't think it would be so easy.
So I will leave this for now because I have to get dressed to go train for a new job I am starting. 
Talk soon.

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