Monday, January 16, 2012

Take the But Out of It!

I have friends who are exhausting to be around sometimes.  I hate to say it, but it is true.  One woman is in her 50's.  The other is in her 40's and a lesbian.  Both of these woman talk non stop about their men or woman and how it is all the others fault that the relationship isn't working.  Hmmmm...a book and movie were written and made called "he's just not into you".  I want to give both of them that present.  They just don't get it.
For example, my one friend told me the other day that she texted this guy she had a relationship with a couple of years ago (brief one).  She has it stuck in her head they were a couple, but he got scared.  The truth was he only wanted sex.  Only was around for sex and then poof...gone.  She tells herself and me that he was "scared because they got too close".  Hmmm... did he ever call after that?  No.  She would text him, they would have sex and then nothing again until she made the move.  Red flag?? Yes.  She texted him the other day to tell him she was moving to another city and she deep down wanted him to say "no don't go, stay".  They haven't talked before this for months!!!  He of course didn't.  His reply was "when you get settled in give me a call and we can break in your new house".  She still didn't get it.  I wanted to punch her.  She said "but...he is scared".  He isn't.
The other girl is obsessed with her ex girlfriend.  Thats all she talks about.  She blames the ex for being mentally unstable and not knowing if she is lesbian or straight.  Tells me she is over her---next thing I know they have hooked up again and the cycle starts all over.  Her sentences have a bunch of "buts" in them too.
Bottom line, if you have a "but in your sentence, you are making an excuse or justifying. Be strong.  Move on.  These are my friends and I am there for them to listen and support.  Just gets exhausting to hear over and over!!!

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